October 24, 2024 is the 24th Annual Child Care Worker & Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day!
This day recognizes the commitment, skills and hard work of Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and staff who work with young children. Each year, the day is proclaimed by the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC), municipalities and school boards across Ontario, and is marked by hundreds of child care centres, and allies.
Let’s celebrate the champions of early childhood education!
The first five years of a child’s life are crucial for their development. Canada’s highly trained early childhood educators are the backbone of this growth, providing enriched environments where young minds can thrive. They don’t just supervise; they deliver high-quality, evidence-based programs that prepare children for school and future success.
As communities continue to grow the Canada-wide early learning and child care system, our educators are helping more families to flourish. A thriving early childhood education workforce is critical to high-quality and inclusive child care, positive family outcomes, resilient communities and a strong economy. Recognition of their vital role is long overdue. This is a specialized profession that requires skills, care and dedication. They deserve better pay, increased supports and public recognition, today and every day.
The recent report, “Addressing the Early Childhood Educator Labour Shortages in Canada: Challenges, Solutions and Impacts,” published by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) and commissioned by YMCA Canada, underscores the crucial role of early childhood educators and illustrates the significant benefits of better wages for these professionals and society.
At the YMCA we deeply value our early childhood educators who are committed to providing high-quality care for children and supporting families. They are the spark that lights the potential in every child, and their impact will be felt by families and communities for generations to come. Let’s recognize and support these dedicated professionals, today and every day!